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32 Products Found
The BestCavicchioli Lambrusco Rosso Dolce [NV] 750ml, red, slightly foaming
lambrusco producerA winery that serves as a guideline The winery was founded in 1928 by Umberto Cavicchioli in the hope that as many people as possible would know about the...
Sella & Mosca Cannonau di Sardinia 750ml/Red
A winery that opens new possibilities for Sardinian wine In 1899, Mr. Herminio Sella and Mr. Edgardo Mosca, nephews of Mr. Quintino, a famous politician at the time, were fascinated...
Sella & Mosca Vermentino di Sardinia 750ml, white
A winery that opens new possibilities for Sardinian wine In 1899, Mr. Herminio Sella and Mr. Edgardo Mosca, nephews of Mr. Quintino, a famous politician at the time, were fascinated...
Kacicchioli Lambrusco Rosso Grasparossa Amabile [NV] 750ml, red, slightly foaming
It has a beautiful ruby color and a fresh, aromatic aroma, with just the right amount of richness and sweetness, and a pleasant light effervescence. A sweet Amabile for adults...
Gaya Barbaresco [2020] 750ml Red
color type
100% Nebbiolo
Production area
Piedmont, Italy
Kacicchioli Lambrusco Bianco Dolce [NV] 750ml, white, slightly foaming
A slightly sparkling sweet wine with a low alcohol content. It has aromas of fresh berries and velvet, and a soft and fresh sweet taste. Great for an aperitif or...
Vinosia Taurasi Sant'Andrea [2016] 750ml Red
Rich aromas of black fruits and chocolate with a hint of spice. Color/type Red/medium body/dry variety Aglianico 100% capacity 750ml Production area Italy Campagna This item will be made to...
Leccia Cabernet Sauvignon [2019] 750ml Red
*The image uses a different vintage. This wine has a modern character with rich Cabernet fruit brought out in the warm climate of southern Tuscany. Color/type Red/medium body/dry variety 100%...
Cavicchioli Lambrusco Rosato Dolce [NV] 750ml Rosé Foam
A fresh, fruity and soft taste with a gorgeous aroma. Color/type Rosé foam/dry variety Salamino Sorvara/Grasparossa Marani/Maestri capacity 750ml Production area Italy Emilia Romagna This item will be made to...
Antinori Tignanello [2020] 750ml Red
color type
Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc
Production area
italy tuscany
Algiano Bronnello di Montalcino [2018] 750ml Red
Intense aromas of grilled herbs, smoke, ink and plums. Color/type Red/medium body/dry variety 100% Sangiovese Grosso capacity 750ml Production area Italy Tuscany This item will be made to order. It...
Peri Talent Brut [2019] 750ml White Foam
Lively and delicate bubbles with sparkle. Color/type White/foam/dry variety 100% Chardonnay capacity 750ml Production area italy lombardy This item will be made to order. It will take 2 to 5...
Il Borro Ramelle [2022] 750ml, white
A gorgeous and elegant taste that is generously infused with Salvatore Ferragamo's aesthetic sense and philosophy. Il Borro has inherited the manufacturing spirit and sense of the Ferragamo family, which...
Yelman War Dreams [2021] 750ml/White
Master of Northern Italian white wine, producing elegant and modern wines Yermann is a maker who has elevated the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region to the point where it has been described...
Popular Wine Cavicchioli/ Lambrusco Rosso Sorvara Secco [NV] 750ml Red Wine Slightly Foam Sparkling
色・タイプ:白泡/辛口品種:ランブルスコ ソルバーラ・ランブルスコ サラミーノ産地:イタリア エミリアロマーニャ州
Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia [2019] 750ml Red
color type
Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc
Production area
Italy Tuscany/Bolgheri
Sassicaia [2016] 750ml red
Sassicaia [2016] 750ml red Color/type Red/Full-bodied/Dry variety Cabernet Sauvignon Franc capacity 750ml Production area Italy Tuscany This item will be made to order. It will take 2 to 5 days...
Gaya Dagromis Barolo [2018] 750ml Red
A firm structure with strong fruit flavors and elegant tannins.
Production area
Italy Piedmont
仕入先終了 アリオネ ママ マンゴー [NV] 750ml・白泡
スタイリッシュできれいな味わいが魅力。「ヴィニタリー」で金賞受賞の実力派 ピエモンテにおいて、1970年以降、高品質ワインを産する主要生産者として高い評価を受けています。4世代に渡り、常に品質の向上の為技術革新を図り、ブドウ栽培から瓶詰め出荷まで家族経営で行なっています。歴史的に高品質のワインを産するピエモンテ州の恵まれた土地、ランゲとモンフェラートに位置しており、クーネオ県ではカスティリオーネ・ティネッラに、アスティ県ではカネッリにそれぞれ畑とワイナリーを所有しています。市場のニーズに応える事に努力を惜しまず、上質でスタイリッシュなワイン造りと、現代の企業にとって重要なブランド育成にも努め、イタリア国際ワインコンクール「ヴィニタリー」で最優秀賞を受賞するなど数々の名誉にも輝く、国際的にも高い評価を受けている生産者です。 優れたワイン産地として名高いランゲとモンファレットは古代に形成された砂と泥灰岩土壌で、大陸性の厳しい気候にも関わらず素晴らしいブドウが育成されています。ネッビオーロやドルチェット、この地域で良く知られているブドウ品種のモスカートやバルベーラにも、スミレやバラの香り、そしてラズベリーなどフルーティーな風味が醸し出されています。コスト・パフォーマンスに優れたバローロやバスバレスコなど、市場のニーズに応えるべく様々なタイプのワイン造りを実践している意欲的なワイナリーです。 モスカートのスプマンテに完熟マンゴーの天然果汁と果肉がドッキングした、みずみずしい味わいの爽快マンゴー・スパークリング。 色・タイプ 白・泡/やや甘口 品種 モスカート95%、マンゴー果汁5% 容量 750ml 産地 イタリア ピエモンテ州 こちらの商品はお取り寄せ商品になります。 発送まで2日–5日お時間が掛かります。 発送予定日は予告なく変更される場合がございます。 お取り寄せ商品 発送スケジュール(平日の場合) 月 AM10:00までにご注文いただくと火曜日に発送可能。 火 AM10:00までにご注文いただくと水曜日に発送可能。 水 AM10:00までにご注文いただくと木曜日に発送可能。 木 AM10:00までにご注文いただくと金曜日に発送可能。 金曜日が祝日の場合、AM10:00以降のご注文は翌週火曜日に発送可能となります。 金 AM10:00までにご注文いただくと土曜日に発送可能。 AM10:00以降のご注文分は火曜日に発送可能。...
Produttori del Barbaresco Barbaresco Riserva Payet [2017] 750ml, red
The wine is aged for 36 months in large barrels, followed by 6 months in bottle. Bright, lively fruit flavors are nicely balanced with tannins. It has a complex and...
Antinori Cervallo Della Sala [2019] 750ml/White
Born in the rich land called "Green Umbria",We continue to produce wines that receive rave reviews from various magazines. Castello della Sala is a winery located high in the misty...
Tenuta Tignanero Tignanero [2018] 750ml, red
The great wine that made Antinori famous ``Tignanello'' and ``Soraia'' are the flagship wines that made Antinori, a prestigious Italian wine brand, famous around the world. Tenuta Tenanero, where these...
Tenuta San Guido Guidalberto [2019] 750ml, red
Guidalberto is responsible for the new development of Tenuta San Guido. A sensual, rich, and full of flavor. Made with grapes harvested from the fields next to Sassicaia. Based on...
Poggio di Sotto Brunello di Montalcino [2018] 750ml Red
A mass of sweet flavor created by the best environment and carefully crafted ingredients. Color/type Red/medium body/dry variety Sangiovese Grosso capacity 750ml Production area Italy Tuscany/Montalcino This item will be...
Moncalo Marche Trebbiano [2022] 750ml/white 《v522》
Trebbiano is a representative Italian white variety with a history dating back to Roman times. Color/type White/medium body/dry variety Trebbiano 85%/Verdicchio 15% capacity 750ml Production area Marche region, Italy This...
Gaya Barbaresco [2019] 750ml Red
The king of Italian wine. ``True Barbaresco'' is a blend of grapes from 14 of the best plots, perfectly embodying the beauty of Nebbiolo and the dignity of an emperor....
Tenuta Luce Luce Parallel Product [2018] 750ml Red
color type
Sangiovese, Merlot
Production area
italy tuscany
Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia [2018] 750ml Red
color type
85% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Cabernet Franc
Production area
italy tuscany
Antinori Cervallo Della Sala [2020] 750ml White
A bottle that changed the history of Italian white wine aimed at aging.
Production area
Italy Umbria
Gaya Rossi Bath [2019] 750ml White
Enjoy the fact that it takes on nuances of nuts and rich honey as it ages. Color/type white dry variety Chardonnay capacity 750ml Production area Italy Piedmont This item will...
Gaya Barbaresco [2018] 750ml Red
All wines are of high quality. This is what makes Gaya the top Color/type Red/Full-bodied/Dry variety Neppiolo capacity 750ml Production area Italy Piedmont This item will be made to order....
Antinori Tignanello [2019] 750ml Red
A fleshy style with a long and complex aroma that symbolizes the greatness of this wine. Color/type Red/Full-bodied/Dry variety Sangiovese/Cabernet Sauvignon capacity 750ml Production area Italy Tuscany This item will...