Neudorf Tom's Block Pinot Noir [2021] 750ml/Red
Neudorf Tom’s Block Pinot Noir
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Categories:ワイン > ニュージーランド > ノイドルフ
/ 赤ワイン / - / Vintage:2021 / 品種:ピノノワール / Size:750ml / Country:ニュージーランド / Region:- / Winery:生産者:ノイドルフ / Rating:- / Domaine name: / Appellation:
Nelson's Pioneer
In the 1970s, Tim Finn, who was researching animal behavior at the Ruakura Agricultural Research Center in Hamilton, North Island, moved away from the city in response to the ``back to the land'' movement that was emerging in New Zealand as a symbol of counterculture at the time. , he and his wife Judy were considering moving to a remote location to live closer to nature. At the same time, the presence of a Viticulture Research Institute near the Ruakura Agricultural Research Center led Tim to develop an interest in viticulture and wine, and in the late 1970s he began looking for a place to plant grapes in Nelson, which was an unexplored area for wine. , I found it on a hill overlooking the Mouteri Valley. The two built a house there and set about clearing the fields, even though gas, electricity, and other living environment facilities were not yet in place. Neudorf means "new village" in German.
In 1993, Neudorf won the Chardonnay category at the World's Best Wine Tasting, sponsored by the British magazine WINE, and its name instantly became known around the world. The reputation of Pinot Noir has increased in recent years, and in 2009 the UK Tom Stevenson Report named it ``New Zealand's Best Producer'', and Bob Campbell MW named 2014 Mouterie Chardonnay ``the best white Burgundy''. He is also known for giving the highest score of 100 points and praising him for the first time after commenting.
In 2012, Todd Stevens, who had previously worked as assistant winemaker at Felton Road and Quartz Leaf in Central Otago, was appointed as the new winemaker. In 1980, the winery's palm wood walls were replaced with stone, and an aging warehouse with the latest low-temperature control systems was added, but the winery still retains the same nostalgic scenery it had when it was founded. Masu.
Mouteri Hills and Waimea Plains
The vineyards that spread throughout Nelson, a small port city with a population of 45,000 people located in the northern part of the South Island, are divided into two main areas: the hilly area known as the Mouteri Hills and the flat area known as the Waimea Plains. Mouteri Hills is made of mortar soil that was formed during the pre-glacial period, and is a well-drained clay soil mixed with sand and pebbles that was formed in ancient river basins. Waimea Plains is a gravelly alluvial soil that formed later.
Neudorf's vineyard, located in the Upper Moutely, a series of small hills, is covered with shallow sandy loam topsoil and clay soil over gravelly soil, weathered by ancient river basins. A certain water-holding capacity in the soil allows the vines to withstand the dry summer months and gives the wine complexity and firm structure. In addition, each plot is densely planted using a combination of various clones and rootstocks. The alluvial soils of Waimea Plains, on the other hand, are warmer and the grapes are brighter and fruitier.
Sustainable cultivation is practiced in Neudorf's fields, such as planting weeds and herbs between the rows and grazing sheep. In addition, oyster shell powder is experimentally sprinkled on some parts of the vineyard to encourage the growth of grapes by utilizing the reflection of sunlight. Neudorf is also a founding member of the New Zealand Sustainable Viticulture Group.
Cherry and plum fruits are framed by the scent of withered plants and forest, and the flavor of Pinot Noir stands out. Not heavy, with a wide spread of fresh, pleasant acidity and stylish cohesion. Made with grapes from Neudorf Home Vineyard and Flaxmoor Vineyard in Upper Mouterie.
Color/type | Red/medium body/dry |
variety | 100% Pinot Noir |
capacity | 750ml |
Production area | new zealand |
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