Artabin Viticultor Ilerca Bonia [2022] 750ml White
Altavins Viticultor Ilercavonia
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白ワイン, / 白ワイン / - / Vintage:2023 / 品種:ガルナッチャブランカ / Size:750ml / Country:スペイン / Region:カタルーニャ州 / Winery:生産者:アルタビン / Rating:- / Domaine name: / Appellation:
A young producer who loves the local Terra Alta, which has a long history dating back to before Rome.
Artabín is a winery founded in 2001, located in Batea, the center of DO Terra Alta. The head of the family, Joanne, comes from a family that has been making wine for generations. His father made casual wine, but he started Altavin on his own, aiming to create his ideal wine. His first four years were a struggle. We started out in a garage, and in 2012 we converted a building that was a warehouse for a construction company into a cellar. The entrance also doubles as a gallery displaying works by local artists from the Terra Alta area. ``Wine is not just a liquid containing alcohol. Inside the bottle is the history and culture of the land where the wine was made. That's why I want you to see the town where I was born and raised. ” From those impressive words, you can clearly see his passion for wine making.
Terra Alta has 12 districts and 60% of the wine is from Batea. Joan, who loves this area with a long history that dates back to before Rome, is proud of this region as one of Spain's top five wine producing regions. The reason for this is firstly the inland Mediterranean climate. Due to the well-balanced continental and oceanic climates and good ventilation, grapes are grown virtually organically. and excellent soil. The soil is a whitish, fluffy mud called Panal and has a lot of sand, and even with extremely little rainfall (350-450mm per year), this soil itself has a water-holding capacity. Another factor is that the fields are located in the valley of the Ebro River.
The fields are 52 ha in total at an altitude of 350 to 550 m. The yield is limited to 1 to 2 kg and about 8 bunches from each tree. We are particular about hand-picking to avoid damaging the grapes. The white variety is Terra Alta's flagship variety, Garnacha Blanca (more than 45 years old), and the red varieties include Cariñena and Garnacha Peruda. Garnacha peruda is a variety endemic to this area and is characterized by its leaves covered with white downy hairs. Although it has a lower yield than regular Garnacha and is paler in color, it is rich in aroma and fruit flavor, with high acidity, freshness, and delicate minerality. Although very little remains of this variety, Joan has a fondness for this variety and has expanded it to 7 hectares based on the few trees left in the winery.
The name of the wine comes from the name of the region and tribe that occupied the Ebro River basin in ancient Iberian times. A gorgeous scent of tropical fruits and a mellow taste.
Color/type | white/dry |
variety | 100% Garnacha Blanca |
capacity | 750ml |
Production area | Spain Catalonia/Terra Alta |
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九州 | 福岡県、佐賀県、長崎県、熊本県、大分県、宮崎県、鹿児島県 | 1,310円 | 420円 |
沖縄 | 沖縄県 | 1,720円 | 420円 |
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![Artabin Viticultor Ilerca Bonia [2022] 750ml White](http://winenation.jp/cdn/shop/files/e4213e243da9497baffb3e0db8a3f167_202101192475.jpg?v=1722351459&width=1)