Sur d'Arc Toque et Crochet Limoux Autin [2018] 750ml, white
Sieur d’Arques Toques et Clochers Limoux Autan
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Categories:ワイン > フランス > ラングドック・ルーション > レ・カーヴ・デュ・シュールダルク
/ 白ワイン / - / Vintage:2019 / 品種:シャルドネ / Size:750ml / Country:生産国:フランス / Region:ラングドック・ルーション / Winery:生産者:シュール ダルク / Rating:- / Domaine name: / Appellation:
Sur d'Arc is a winery based in Limoux, founded in 1946. Limoux is located southwest of the ancient capital of Carcasson in the Languedoc region of southern France, in a basin at the foot of the Pyrenees, and has a blessed climate with the best of both an oceanic and Mediterranean climate. It is famous for producing France's oldest AOC, Blanquette de Limoux. It also produces excellent white wines and Limoux reds, which were elevated to AOC status in 2004. Sur d'Arc is supported by 150 employees and 288 growers, and owns 2,300 hectares of fields on sunny clay-calcareous slopes between the Mediterranean Sea and the Pyrenees, not only in Limoux but also in the south of France. This is a representative winery.
The terroir of Limoux has four unique microclimates: the hot and dry east side with a Mediterranean climate, the warm west side influenced by the Atlantic Ocean, the central area with characteristics of both, and the cool highland south side near the Pyrenees. It is divided into soil. At wineries, we classify the soil, amount of sunlight, and slope of the fields and grow grapes that are suitable for these conditions, in order to bring out the individuality of each winery. Sur d'Arc was the first to produce red varietal wine in the 1980s. Each vineyard practices careful winemaking by limiting yields and hand-harvesting. In addition, in terms of winemaking, we have obtained the cooperation of Mr. Denis Debourdieu, professor of oenology at Université Bordeaux II, who is known as a revolutionary in white winemaking, and has produced AOC still wines in the 1990s and sparkling wines since 2003. We are actively working to improve quality.
Sur d'Arc produces several ranges of wine, but the one that made the winery famous is ``Tocs et Clochers,'' a high-end brand that was launched in 1989. The result of the efforts of a winemaker who is particular about handcrafting, Tocque E Crochet is the highest quality wine the company has brewed for auction in order to preserve local historical buildings, and has attracted many customers, including famous chefs from famous three-star restaurants. It continues to be loved by many customers. The brand name uses the words toque (cook's hat) and crochet (church), which symbolize the cooperation of cooks and donations to old churches. This wine auction was held in 1990 and received rave reviews from professionals in the wine and restaurant industries. It has gained popularity with each successive event, and is now world-famous as a major event that boasts thousands of visitors. It is also used at Le Calandre, a restaurant run by Italian Massimiliano Alaimo, who is famous as the youngest three-star Michelin chef.
Made from grapes grown in the Autun area, this is a satisfying wine with a harmonious aroma of citrus fruit and the flavor of ripe Chardonnay grapes.
Color/type | white/dry |
variety | 100% Chardonnay |
capacity | 750ml |
Production area | France Languedoc-Roussillon |
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![Sur d'Arc Toque et Crochet Limoux Autin [2018] 750ml, white](http://winenation.jp/cdn/shop/files/e4213e243da9497baffb3e0db8a3f167_202101192322.jpg?v=1727967465&width=1)