Antinori Tormaresca Fikimori [2022] 750ml, red

Antinori Tormaresca Fichimori


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Categories:ワイン > イタリア > プーリア > トルマレスカ
/ 赤ワイン / - / Vintage:ヴィンテージ:2023 / 品種:ネグロ・アマーロ主体、シラー少量 / Size:750ml / Country:生産国:イタリア / Region:産地:プーリア州 / Winery:生産者:アンティノリ トルマレスカ / Rating:- / Domaine name: / Appellation:

Type: red wine
SKU: en10100094
Barcode: 8026530000473
Availability : In Stock Pre order Out of stock
Categories: All Wines Italy



Puglia is located at the heel of the boot-shaped Italian peninsula and is one of Italy's largest wine producing regions. Winemaking in Puglia dates back thousands of years to Greek colonial times, and the indigenous varieties Aglianico and Negroamaro are therefore of Greek origin.

Charming wine made from indigenous varieties

Antinori purchased this land full of wine-making potential in 1998, and the winery Tormaresca was born. Mr. Piero Antinori, the 26th generation owner of Antinori, said of the reason for expanding into Puglia: ``We felt there was potential in this region's sun, soil, land, climate, blessings, history, culture, and food. But that's not the only reason, because there are so many grape varieties in this region that you can try your hand at as many as you like, and you have the potential to create top-quality wines in each of them, such as Primitivo, Negroamaro, and Aglianico. ” he says.

Puglia's wines tended to be seen as being more about quantity than quality, but by making full use of the experience and techniques that Antinori has cultivated over its long history, this Tormaresca wine is full of charm using indigenous varieties. wine is being made. Our constant belief is to create elegant, top quality wines.

Two estates with completely different personalities

A major feature of this winery is that it owns two estates with completely different terroirs: ``Bocca di Lupo'' located inland, and ``Masseria Maime'' along the Adriatic coast. Each variety has its own optimal variety, which, combined with the local climate, produces unique wines.

Although it started in 1999 with a limited market in Italy, it has now been well-received all over the world, including being featured in Wine Spectator magazine as a ``winery to watch'', and is steadily expanding its market. Please try the charm of grape varieties that can only be found in Puglia.

MASSERIA MAIME — アドリア海を臨む畑で生まれる海を感じるワイン、マッセリア・マイメ

マッセリア・マイメの畑は、アドリア海を目の前に臨む、海抜わずか15mの場所にあります。粘土質土壌のおかげでブドウ造りに必要な水分を保つことが出来るため、灌漑は現在行われていません。トルマレスカとは「海の目の前にある塔」という意味で、その名の通りブドウ畑の目の前にはエメラルドグリーンの海が広がります。所有する500haの敷地のうち、250haがブドウ畑、80haはオリーブ畑、残りは畑にすることの出来ない自然保護地区です。このエステートでは、プーリア伝統の栽培方法「Alberello(アルベレッロ)」を採用しています。Alberello=Little Treeという名が表す通り、無支柱で低木仕立てにし、ブドウの樹を1本1本独立して栽培するというもの。幹を低く剪定することにより、灌漑施設のない地でも水分を樹全体に行き渡らせることができ、更に自由に伸びた枝葉のおかげで激しい太陽光による日焼けからブドウが守られます。また収量が自然と制限されるため1房が凝縮した味わいになります。多くのワイナリーでは、収量が減る上、ブドウの樹の列が不ぞろいになり樹間も狭くなるため機械による収穫ができなくなる、という理由から敬遠されがちですが、ネグロアマーロ、プリミティーヴォなどの土着品種の栽培には最適な手法です。


Fikimori is made from grapes from Masseria Maime, an estate just 15 meters above sea level. Tormaresca means "tower in front of the sea", and irrigation is not currently used, as the clay soil allows it to retain the moisture needed for grape-growing. As the name suggests, the emerald green sea spreads out in front of the vineyard. The estate uses the traditional Apulian cultivation method "Alberello". Many wineries tend to avoid this traditional cultivation method because it limits yields, but Tremaresca uses it because each bunch of grapes produces a very concentrated flavor. This wine, Fikimori, is inspired by the local tradition of drinking red wine chilled in Puglia, which gets extremely hot in the summer. Red ruby ​​color, bright purple color. This is a rare wine with a pleasant aroma of pomegranate and hints of rose, and its fruity aroma and taste only stand out when chilled. It has a rich fruit flavor and a good amount of acidity. Enjoy chilled at 8℃ to 10℃. I want to enjoy Puglia wine and Italy's indigenous varieties! For those of you who want to drink it, this is a must-try. As a red wine that can be enjoyed casually, it is also perfect as a daily wine.

Mainly Negro Amaro, a little Syrah

It was created based on the local tradition of drinking red wine chilled in Puglia, where it gets extremely hot in the summer. Red ruby ​​color, bright purple color. This is a rare wine with a pleasant aroma of pomegranate and hints of rose, and its fruity aroma and taste only stand out when chilled. It has a rich fruit flavor and a good amount of acidity. Enjoy chilled at 8℃ to 10℃.

Color/type Red/Light body/Dry
variety Mainly Negro Amaro, a little Syrah
capacity 750ml
Production area Italy Puglia

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