Bodega Norton Lo Tango Malbec [2022] 750ml/Red
Bodega Norton Lo Tengo Malbec
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Categories:ワイン > アルゼンチン > ボデガ・ノートン
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Argentina's top wine maker with a history of 120 years
Bodega Norton is owned by Swarovski, famous for its crystal glass, and produces high quality wine. The winery boasts state-of-the-art equipment in the Mendoza area at the foot of the Andes Mountains, 1000km west of Argentina's capital Buenos Aires, and produces high-quality wines with low production volumes, with the motto of "producing Argentina's highest quality wines." More than anything, we place importance on producing wines that are easy to approach and that are not formal, and that go well with everyday meals and various other occasions. All wines are modestly priced, but the quality exceeds the price. It has a very sophisticated taste and is of amazing quality. Recognized for its attitude and reliable taste, it is now exported to more than 60 countries around the world, and has become a model for many wineries in Argentina.
In 2012, chief wine maker George Richitelli was awarded Wine Maker of the Year by Wine Enthusiast, a prestigious American magazine. He was the first wine maker from South America to achieve this feat. In addition, in 2010, as a winery, it was selected as the No. 1 wine brand by Argentina's most famous newspaper, "Clarín". In 2011, it was nominated for Best New World Winery of the Year, and has received worldwide recognition as ``a leader in winemaking in Argentina'' and ``making the most approachable and admirable wines.'' I am.
Organic cultivation that takes advantage of the blessed nature
Argentina has a high altitude and a climate with large temperature differences between day and night. In addition, the grapes are kept dry by the wind from the Andes Mountains, so there is no need to worry about pests or rot throughout the year. In other words, there is no need for pesticides or herbicides, allowing us to produce naturally organic and natural wine. Bodega Norton also uses Andean snowmelt for irrigation, which gives the wine a rich minerality.
The fields are scattered in five different areas of Mendoza, and the varieties most suitable for each area are selected and cultivated. The average age of the trees is 30 years, with some fields being over 80 years old. At Bodega Norton, by growing concentrated grapes made from old vines in fields with optimal soil and climate, we produce the most delicious wines with a perfect balance of concentrated fruit flavor and easy acidity. You can.
Aromas of blackberry and black cherry with hints of vanilla and spice. Rich fruit flavor and unique tannins are characteristics of Malbec, Argentina's representative grape variety. The finish is reminiscent of mint, and while it has a firm body, it has a smooth and soft texture.
Color/type | Red/medium body/dry |
variety | 100% malbec |
capacity | 750ml |
Production area | Argentina |
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クール便をご希望の場合は+420円でクール便でお届け致します。(任意)エリア | 地域 | 通常料金 | 3,980円以上 |
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信越 | 新潟県、長野県 | 1,210円 | 420円 |
北陸 | 富山県、石川県、福井県 | 1,170円 | 420円 |
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四国 | 徳島県、香川県、愛媛県、高知県 | 1,170円 | 420円 |
九州 | 福岡県、佐賀県、長崎県、熊本県、大分県、宮崎県、鹿児島県 | 1,310円 | 420円 |
沖縄 | 沖縄県 | 1,720円 | 420円 |
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