Free shipping for 3 or more bottles! Fun Hill Quattro Meses “Sakura” Japan Limited Label [2022] 750ml, Red

Juan Gil 4 Meses “Sakura”


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Categories:ワイン > スペイン > スペインその他 > ファン ヒル
赤ワイン / 白ワイン / - / Vintage:2022 / 品種:モナストレル / Size:750ml / Country:スペイン / Region:ムルシア州 / Winery:ファン ヒル / Rating:- / Domaine name: / Appellation:

Type: red wine
SKU: 10070013
Barcode: 4571376385979
Availability : In Stock Pre order Out of stock
Categories: All Wines Spain The Best

2023 春の特別キャンペーン3Purchase more than one bookfree shipping!!

【ファン ヒル】 クアトロ メセス “サクラ”

Thinking about the beautiful cherry blossoms,A gift from Spain to Japan

Miguel Gil, the fourth-generation owner of Spain's premier winery, Fun Gil, walked along a row of cherry blossom trees for the first time in Washington one day and was deeply moved by their beauty. The name of the hill where the vineyard of the bodega that has been owned for about 100 years is Cerezo (Spanish for " He also realized that it was a cherry tree (cherry blossoms), and felt a deep connection to that encounter, so he returned to his hometown and planted a cherry tree himself near his field.

In this way, cherry blossoms became a special place for Van Gyl.

This "SAKURA" is delivered with Mr. Miguel's passion, as a token of gratitude to everyone in Japan who has loved Van Gyl's wines up until now, and as a symbol of love for those who will come to know this wine in the future. It's a gift from Spain.

〈味わい〉…ブラックチェリーやプラムのジャムに黒系スパイスやスモークのヒント。滑らかな完熟果実がアタックから感じられ、細やかなタンニンが骨格を成し、オークのニュアンスが味わいをより一層引き立てています。ファン・ヒルの濃厚な果実感を是非ご賞味ください。■産地: D.O. Jumilla ■品種: モナストレル100% ■熟成: フレンチオークとアメリカンオークのバリック、4ヶ月

About Juan Gil(ファン・ヒルについて)

Founded in 1916 by Juan Gil Jiménez, Jumilla's representative winery has been producing wine for four generations to this day. Jumilla, located in the northern region of Murcia, has a continental climate with hot summers reaching 40°C and winters that are often below freezing, and is dry with only 300 mm of rainfall. Under this harsh natural environment, the yield of grapes is naturally low, producing powerful wines with rich fruit flavors. We are a producer with both tradition and technology.

Also available Van Hill Other Wines
  • 【ファン ヒル】 シルバーラベル 12 Meses 赤…樽由来のトースティーでスモーキーな香りに、豊かで力強い果実味。アルコール感と酸、果実のバランスが素晴らしく、フルボディで非常にパワフルでありながらも飲み疲れせず、気品を兼ね備える。「価格が5倍の一流ボルドーに引けをとらない」とは、ロバート・パーカーの評。■産地: D.O. Jumilla ■品種: モナストレル100% ■熟成: フレンチオークのバリック、12ヵ月
  • 【ファン ヒル】 ペドレラ 赤…熟した赤い果実の香りにフローラルかつスパイシーなヒント。凝縮した完熟果実の中に細かいタンニンがよく溶け込み、味わいに厚みをもたらす。モナストレルの肉厚な果実感と、シラーのがっしりとした骨格とスパイシーさとが絶妙なバランスで調和したパワフル & リッチな味わい。■産地: Jumilla ■品種: モナストレル75%、シラー25% ■熟成: ステンレスタンク
  • 【ファン ヒル】 モスカテル 白…メロン、桃、キウイのフレッシュなアロマを補うジャスミンや白コショウ。種のあるジューシーな果実や甘露の味わい。ジューシーかつ爽快感ある果実。ほとんど重さを感じさせないスパイシーなフィニッシュが長く続く。■産地: D.O. Jumilla ■品種: モスカテル100% ■熟成: ステンレスタンク



Notes on shipping
(Please be sure to read it)
  • It will be shipped by Sagawa Express.
  • If you use cool delivery, you will be charged an additional 420 yen.
  • Shipping charges will apply for shipments to Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kyushu, Okinawa, and remote islands.
  • Shipping charges will not be reflected at the time of order. We will inform you of the correct shipping cost in the thanks email.
Free shipping products/some area price list
region postage
Kanto, Shinetsu, Chubu, Hokuriku, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku free
Hokkaido, Okinawa 600 yen
Tohoku 300 yen
Kyushu (excluding Okinawa) 200 yen
remote island Please contact us

Black cherry and plum jam with hints of black spice and smoke. Smooth ripe fruit can be felt from the attack, fine tannins form the backbone, and oak nuances further enhance the taste. Please enjoy the rich fruitiness of Fun Hill.

color type Red/Full-bodied/Dry
variety Monastrell 100%
capacity 750ml
Production area Murcia, Spain/Jumilla

!This product is a made-to-order product.

For orders placed before 10am on weekdays, next business day,Orders placed after that time and on weekends, holidays will be shippednext business day It becomes. Please be aware of this when placing your order.




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