The handsome owner


The other day, I was listening to the radio and heard on the program "Matsuo Kiyoshi's Mellow Night" that Kiyoshi Matsuo invited Sade, who had just debuted but had yet to become famous, to come to Japan for a concert. I thought it was a story I heard somewhere.

After a while, I remembered that about 20 years ago, I came back from Kobe and was told that the handsome owner of the local music bar had done the exact same thing in Osaka. I did.

At that time, Sade was already selling well, and of course I knew about it, so that alone made me fondly remember looking at the owner and shopkeeper with great respect.

Speaking of Sade, I guess it's "Kiss Of Life".


Since it's a moody song, I recommend a passionate red wine, like Torres from Spain.

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