Wine etiquette Drinking wine at a restaurant

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I want to drink wine, but wine seems difficult. For you, we will explain wine etiquette in detail. Knowing wine etiquette will help you enjoy wine more and make your food even more delicious. Please remember wine etiquette and have a fun time with your meal.

The third article is about etiquette when drinking wine at a restaurant.

Etiquette when drinking wine at a restaurant

After choosing the wine and completing the host tasting, it's time to drink the wine. In order to drink wine at a restaurant in style, you should first keep etiquette in mind.

Cheers with wine glasses

When toasting with beer, you may make a noise by smashing the mugs together, but when toasting with wine, it is good etiquette not to smash the glasses together. Wine glasses are delicate, so if you hit them together and make a noise, they may break or break. Simply raise your glass to chest or eye height, look the person in the eye and say "Cheers."

How to hold a wine glass

In the previous host tasting etiquette, we talked about holding the stem of the glass when tasting. So, what is the correct way to hold a glass during a meal? In Japan, it is said that having a stem is somehow more elegant, so it is common to have a stem. It is sometimes recommended to drink wine by the stem, as holding the bulge (bowl) of the glass warms the wine with the heat of your hands. However, worldwide, it is good manners to hold the bowl part. When going to a dinner with many foreigners, at an international event, or when going abroad, hold the bowl part.

Etiquette when pouring wine

In restaurants, it is the sommelier who pours the wine. Avoid refilling or pouring wine into your own glasses. In Japan, there is a custom of pouring sake into each other, but it is bad manners when drinking wine. Also, you don't want to have to get up to retrieve a bottle that's out of reach.

In particular, it is bad manners for women to carry a bottle of wine and offer drinks to other people. In the wine country of the West, there is a culture of ladies first. That's why women shouldn't be allowed to carry a bottle of wine. In Japan, when entertaining, women may want to offer drinks, but leave that to the sommelier, who is a wine and wait staff professional.

Just because there's no wine in your glass, don't shout "Please pour me!" When the sommelier passes by, give him a visual signal and ask him to pour it for you. Sommeliers at fine dining restaurants are constantly checking the status of customers' glasses, so they won't leave them empty for long enough to have to remind them.

And when having wine poured, try not to lift the glass. In Japan, there is a custom of lifting the choko when receiving a drink of sake. Lifting the wine glass will make it difficult to pour, so leave it on the table. Since you don't have to lift it, you'll want to at least put your hand on the glass, but that also makes it difficult to serve. When someone pours something for you, it's polite to say "thank you" and it calms the atmosphere.

Don't drink wine all at once

Wine is a drink that is enjoyed little by little. Avoid gulping or drinking all at once. Also, don't drink too much. Wine has an alcohol content of 10-15%. Make sure to drink a chaser (water) with it. It is said that it is a good idea to drink the same amount or twice as much water as you drink wine. Wine is something to enjoy while having a conversation. Enjoy your meal while sipping a glass of wine.

Etiquette when spinning wine glasses

By swirling the glass, the wine is exposed to air, which brings out more aromas and a mellower taste. Swirling the glass is called swirling, and the way the wine changes due to swirling is called "wine opening." Don't swirl the wine around too much to get it to open, or avoid swirling it too often just because you haven't had it on hand for a while. If you swirl too much, you may lose the aroma of the wine. It can also lead to overexertion and spilling the wine.

It is best to rotate the glass in your direction (counterclockwise if spinning with your right hand). That way, even if you spill something, it will be on you, so you won't be a nuisance to your seatmates.

If you are having trouble swirling the glass, place the glass on the table, hold the stem between your index and middle fingers, and try rotating the glass slowly.

By the way, sparkling wine has bubbles, so be careful not to swirl the glass.

Etiquette when your wine glass is dirty

When drinking wine while having a meal, the glass may get dirty from the cooking oil on your lips. You don't have to worry about it if it's just a little bit, but it's not a good look if there's a lot of oil on the glass. If you notice oil on your lips, wipe them with a napkin before touching the glass.

Also, women may be concerned about lipstick getting on the glass. It's a good idea to cover your lips with a tissue before eating. It's normal for lipstick to get on the glass, so don't worry about it. However, if you are really concerned about it, wipe it gently with her fingertips. Wipe your dirty fingers with the inside of a napkin.

Etiquette when refusing wine

When the sommelier comes to pour you wine and you don't want a refill, don't yell, "That's enough!" Also, blocking the glass with your hand is an exaggeration. Placing your index and middle fingers lightly on the rim of the glass indicates that you no longer want it. When you say no, do it smartly.

If you have leftover wine in the bottle

If you can't finish the wine you ordered and have some left over, you can take the bottle home with you. Not all restaurants allow takeout, so check. If you ask, ``I have some leftover wine, I'd like to enjoy it later. Can I take it home?'' and they usually say no. However, wine that is poured into a glass or unopened cannot be taken home.

If you're at a high-end restaurant or buying high-quality wine, it's smart to leave any leftover wine with the restaurant and say, ``Please have it with the restaurant.''

be careful with perfume

I dress up when I go to a restaurant, but no matter how fancy I am, it is good etiquette not to wear perfume. Wine is a drink in which aroma is extremely important. Wearing perfume makes it difficult to detect the scent of wine. Be considerate of those around you and avoid wearing perfume when drinking wine. If you really want to wear it, leave it on only a little on your ankle.

Similarly, avoid smoking cigarettes as they have a strong smell.


How was it? Wine etiquette doesn't have to be difficult. As long as you know basic etiquette, you can enjoy drinking wine at restaurants with peace of mind. Next time, we will talk about etiquette when pouring wine and entertaining guests.