Marenon Marenon Classic Blanc [2021] 750ml, white
Marrenon Classic Blanc
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Categories:ワイン > フランス > コート・デュ・ローヌ > マレノン
/ 白ワイン / - / Vintage:2023 / 品種:グルナッシュ・ブラン、ヴェルメンティーノ / Size:750ml / Country:フランス / Region:ローヌ / Winery:マレノン / Rating:- / Domaine name: / Appellation:
A winery located in the Luberon National Park, a world heritage site, that achieves high quality and low cost with the spirit of "cooperation and unity."
Marenon is a cooperative established in 1965 by Luberon wineries with the spirit of "cooperation and unity". By dividing roles and conducting activities efficiently, we have achieved stability and low costs even under strict quality control. We currently own 4,200 ha of fields in Luberon and Ventoux, and employ approximately 650 producers. Contributing to the promotion to AOC in 1988, we pursue world-class quality, and now boast a high production capacity that produces 6% of all Rhône and 55% of Luberon AOC. This is a popular cooperative that provides stable, high-quality wine at reasonable prices. Since 2006, we have also released Ecosale certified organic wine.
The Marenon vineyards are located between 150 and 500 meters above sea level, within a natural park designated as a World Heritage Site and a nature reserve, from the entire Luberon mountains to the southern slopes of Mount Vaucluse. The seven breweries are located within the park, protecting the natural environment free from industrial pollution and contributing to the local community by developing winemaking techniques. Marenon acts as a consultant for each producer and closely manages all stages from cultivation to winemaking. In addition to our commitment to quality, we aim to produce wine that is friendly to the natural environment, and our grape cultivation is basically Rutte Raisonné, with some vineyards certified as organic. In 2009, we began producing some wine that complies with the Agri-Confiance standard, which provides traceability from cultivation to packaging for the purpose of environmental conservation, and we plan to gradually expand this in the future. Since 2014, we have acquired ISO 26000, the international standard for fair trade.
When making wine, we are particular about the timing of harvesting ripe grapes and the natural fruitiness of the grapes. Of the total production, approximately 40% is released under Marenon's own brand. For white wines, only fruit juice that has been pressed very lightly using a pneumatic press is used, and for red wines, only free-run wine is used. This is the secret to the Marenon style's rich fruit flavors, soft tannins, and smooth texture. You won't get tired of drinking it, and it shows its true value as an alcoholic drink with meals. Marenon keeps the residual sugar in all of its wines below 2g/l, producing dry wines that go well with food.
Aromas of apricot and pear. It has a supple mouthfeel and a rounded and elegant structure that highlights the fruit and exotic flavors.
Color/type | white/dry |
variety | Grenache Blanc, Vermentino |
capacity | 750ml |
Production area | France Rhône/Luberon |
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クール便をご希望の場合は+420円でクール便でお届け致します。(任意)エリア | 地域 | 通常料金 | 3,980円以上 |
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東北 | 青森県、岩手県、秋田県、宮城県、山形県、福島県 | 1,400円 | 420円 |
関東 | 茨城県、栃木県、群馬県、埼玉県、千葉県、東京都、神奈川県 | 1,210円 | 420円 |
信越 | 新潟県、長野県 | 1,210円 | 420円 |
北陸 | 富山県、石川県、福井県 | 1,170円 | 420円 |
東海 | 岐阜県、静岡県、愛知県、三重県 | 1,170円 | 420円 |
近畿 | 三重県、滋賀県、京都府、大阪府、兵庫県、奈良県、和歌山県 | 1,170 | 420円 |
中国 | 鳥取県、島根県、岡山県、広島県、山口県 | 1,170円 | 420円 |
四国 | 徳島県、香川県、愛媛県、高知県 | 1,170円 | 420円 |
九州 | 福岡県、佐賀県、長崎県、熊本県、大分県、宮崎県、鹿児島県 | 1,310円 | 420円 |
沖縄 | 沖縄県 | 1,720円 | 420円 |
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