Clos Montblanc/Project Quattro Cava Rose [NV] 750ml Rosé Foam Sparkling
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One of the most talented people in Spain, even employed in starred restaurants
The owner, Mr. Carbonell, established the winery in Catalonia, a province in eastern Spain near the French border, in 1988. It was built in Conca de Barbera, close to the Citadel Mont Blanc, a symbol of Catalonia, and the Abbey of Pobre, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This area is characterized by harsh winters, hot summers, and large differences in temperature between day and night, with fields surrounded by mountains and breezes from the Mediterranean. Grapes that mature slowly over a long period of time can develop a rich aroma, making it the perfect place for grape cultivation. They grow many international varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Chardonnay, as well as indigenous Spanish varieties such as Tempranillo, Garnacha, and Parellada. We make use of the individuality of both to create wines with excellent balance. The wines produced based on the belief that ``wine that everyone can reach and that is exceptionally delicious'' are popular for their high cost performance and modern taste.
Wines loved by famous restaurants in the “City of Food”
Catalonia, where Clos Mont Blanc is located, is also known as the "capital of food." It is also the birthplace of Modern Spanish, sophisticated Spanish cuisine using cutting-edge cooking techniques, and the 3-star Michelin restaurant was said to be ``the hardest to get a reservation in the world,'' and closed in 2011. "El Bulli" is also located in Catalonia. Clos Mont Blanc has been listed as a number of star restaurants in this area, including the 3-star restaurant ``Arzac'' in San Sebastian, a Basque town with advanced gastronomy, and the 1-star restaurant ``Arzac'' in Madrid, where gourmets gather. Its customers include a large number of customers, including ``El Chafran''. This is a wine loved by Spain's leading modern Spanish restaurants.
project quattro cava
Since its introduction in 2009, Project Quattro Cava has become an instant hit due to its well-balanced taste and high cost performance. The name Quattro, which means the number 4, was given because four types of grapes are used. Fully ripe grapes are hand-harvested, and the brewing process uses the same in-bottle secondary fermentation as Champagne. After bottling, it undergoes a long aging process to create a modern taste that perfectly combines the flavors of three indigenous Spanish varieties and one international variety. Not only does it go well with a wide variety of meals, but its bold flavor can also be enjoyed on its own. Also, the stylish design makes it perfect as a gift. A versatile wine that can be used in a variety of situations.
宅配業者:佐川急便 その他の宅配業者のご指定はできません。3,980円以上お買い上げで送料無料
エリア | 地域 | 通常料金 | 3.980円以上 |
北海道 | 北海道 | 1,100円 | 600円 |
北東 | 青森県、岩手県、秋田県、宮城県、山形県、福島県 | 980円 | 300円 |
関東 | 茨城県、栃木県、群馬県、埼玉県、千葉県、東京都、神奈川県 | 790円 | 無料 |
信越 | 新潟県、長野県 | 790円 | 無料 |
北陸 | 富山県、石川県、福井県 | 750円 | 無料 |
東海 | 岐阜県、静岡県、愛知県、三重県 | 750円 | 無料 |
関西 | 三重県、滋賀県、京都府、大阪府、兵庫県、奈良県、和歌山県 | 690円 | 無料 |
中国 | 鳥取県、島根県、岡山県、広島県、山口県 | 750円 | 無料 |
四国 | 徳島県、香川県、愛媛県、高知県 | 750円 | 無料 |
九州 | 福岡県、佐賀県、長崎県、熊本県、大分県、宮崎県、鹿児島県 | 890円 | 200円 |
沖縄 | 沖縄県 | 1,300円 | 600円 |
クール便をご希望の場合は+420円でクール便でお届け致します。(任意)エリア | 地域 | 通常料金 | 3,980円以上 |
北海道 | 北海道 | 1,520円 | 420円 |
東北 | 青森県、岩手県、秋田県、宮城県、山形県、福島県 | 1,400円 | 420円 |
関東 | 茨城県、栃木県、群馬県、埼玉県、千葉県、東京都、神奈川県 | 1,210円 | 420円 |
信越 | 新潟県、長野県 | 1,210円 | 420円 |
北陸 | 富山県、石川県、福井県 | 1,170円 | 420円 |
東海 | 岐阜県、静岡県、愛知県、三重県 | 1,170円 | 420円 |
近畿 | 三重県、滋賀県、京都府、大阪府、兵庫県、奈良県、和歌山県 | 1,170 | 420円 |
中国 | 鳥取県、島根県、岡山県、広島県、山口県 | 1,170円 | 420円 |
四国 | 徳島県、香川県、愛媛県、高知県 | 1,170円 | 420円 |
九州 | 福岡県、佐賀県、長崎県、熊本県、大分県、宮崎県、鹿児島県 | 1,310円 | 420円 |
沖縄 | 沖縄県 | 1,720円 | 420円 |
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![Clos Montblanc/Project Quattro Cava Rose [NV] 750ml Rosé Foam Sparkling](http://winenation.jp/cdn/shop/files/e4213e243da9497baffb3e0db8a3f167_20210119227.jpg?v=1706436845&width=1)