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29 Products Found
マルケMoncalo Marche Sangiovese [2022] 750ml, red
Stable high quality and affordable prices, boasting the most awards at the B.A.V.I. Italian Wine Competition. Moncalo is a cooperative in central Italy, in the Marche region facing the Adriatic...
Moncalo Le Verre Verdicchio Classico [2022] 750ml/White 《v2502》
A piece that aims for a new style with Moncalo's specialty Verdicchio. Color/type white/dry variety Verdicchio 100% capacity 750ml Production area Marche region, Italy/ DOC Verdicchio Dei Castelli Di Jesi...
モンカロ パルコ コーネロ リゼルヴァ [2017] 750ml・赤
B.A.V.I.イタリア・ワイン・コンクールで最多受賞を誇る、安定した高品質とお手軽プライス モンカロ社はイタリア中部、アドリア海に面したマルケ州にある協同組合で、伝統的なヴェルディッキオ生産の中心地モンテカロットにあります。設立は1964年。州内の重要な3つの生産地(モンテカロット、カメラーノ、アクアヴィーヴァ)に醸造所を持ち、それぞれの個性を大切にしたワイン造りを行っています。畑の改殖、収量制限、最新の醸造技術・設備の導入とたいへん意欲的、社長以下精力的にワイン造りに取り組んでいます。 1980年からは徐々に有機栽培に着手。現在ビオ認証畑60haに加えて、EU認定の低環境負荷栽培畑300haも所有しており、病害等と戦うのではなくそれらを防ぐ発想の下、より自然環境に負担をかけずブドウを栽培しています。またイタリア・ワインの品質向上と海外へのアピールを目的としたB.A.V.I.イタリア・ワイン・コンクールで最多受賞を誇る、マルケ州で最も有名なワイナリーの一つ。価格が驚くほどリーズナブルなのも魅力です。 サワーチェリーとスミレのアロマに、幾重にも重なる味わいと共に広がる繊細なバニラの風味。引き締まったストラクチャーも魅力。 色・タイプ 赤/フルボディ/辛口 品種 モンテプルチャーノ100% 容量 750ml 産地 イタリア マルケ州 こちらの商品はお取り寄せ商品になります。 発送まで2日–5日お時間が掛かります。 発送予定日は予告なく変更される場合がございます。 お取り寄せ商品 発送スケジュール(平日の場合) 月 AM10:00までにご注文いただくと火曜日に発送可能。 火 AM10:00までにご注文いただくと水曜日に発送可能。 水 AM10:00までにご注文いただくと木曜日に発送可能。 木 AM10:00までにご注文いただくと金曜日に発送可能。 金曜日が祝日の場合、AM10:00以降のご注文は翌週火曜日に発送可能となります。 金 AM10:00までにご注文いただくと土曜日に発送可能。 AM10:00以降のご注文分は火曜日に発送可能。...
Umani Ronchi Bianchi Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 750ml Red [Produced in Abruzzo]
UMANI RONCHI UMANI RONCHI Umani Ronchi's estate, located on the east coast of central Italy and blessed with natural beauty, produces all the major wines of the Marche region, as...
Moncalo Verdicchio Classico (Amphora) [2022] 750ml, white
Stable high quality and affordable prices, boasting the most awards at the B.A.V.I. Italian Wine Competition. Moncalo is a cooperative in central Italy, in the Marche region facing the Adriatic...
Umani Ronchi Yorio Montepulciano d'Abruzzo [2020] 750ml/Red
UMANI RONCHI UMANI RONCHI Umani Ronchi's estate, located on the east coast of central Italy and blessed with natural beauty, produces all the major wines of the Marche region, as...
Moncalo Marche Sangiovese Magnum [2021] 1500ml Red Magnum Bottle
Stable high quality and affordable prices, boasting the most awards at the B.A.V.I. Italian Wine Competition. Moncalo is a cooperative in central Italy, in the Marche region facing the Adriatic...
Moncalo Rosso Piceno [2021] 750ml/Red
Stable high quality and affordable prices, boasting the most awards at the B.A.V.I. Italian Wine Competition. Moncalo is a cooperative in central Italy, in the Marche region facing the Adriatic...
Moncalo Marche Trebbiano [2022] 750ml/white 《v522》
Trebbiano is a representative Italian white variety with a history dating back to Roman times. Color/type White/medium body/dry variety Trebbiano 85%/Verdicchio 15% capacity 750ml Production area Marche region, Italy This...
Moncalo Marche Bianco Organic [2022] 750ml, white
Stable high quality and affordable prices, boasting the most awards at the B.A.V.I. Italian Wine Competition. Moncalo is a cooperative in central Italy, in the Marche region facing the Adriatic...
Moncalo Marche Trebbiano Magnum (SC) [2022] 1500ml/White
Stable high quality and affordable prices, boasting the most awards at the B.A.V.I. Italian Wine Competition. Moncalo is a cooperative in central Italy, in the Marche region facing the Adriatic...
Simone Capecci (San Savino) Ciprea [2022] 750ml White
*The image uses a different vintage. Although it does not use barrique, it has an oak-like aroma and strength. Color/type white/dry variety 100% pecorino capacity 750ml Production area Italy Marche...
Simone Capecci/ Pallido [2022] Rosé 750ml
イタリア マルケ
Andrea Felice Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi Classico Superiore [2022] White wine 750ml
Enjoy a long aftertaste with a hint of minerality. Color/type white/dry variety Verdicchio 100% capacity 750ml Production area Italy Marche This item will be made to order. It will take...
Moncalo Cimelio Rosso Cornero Half Bottle [2019] 375ml/Red
Stable high quality and affordable prices, boasting the most awards at the B.A.V.I. Italian Wine Competition. Moncalo is a cooperative in central Italy, in the Marche region facing the Adriatic...
カンティーネ アウローラ エラ サンジョヴェーゼ オーガニック [2022] 750ml 赤
色 タイプ
イタリア マルケ州
Moncalo Vigna Novali Verdicchio Riserva [2016] 750ml White Wine
We have breweries in three important production areas in the state, and we create wine that respects the individuality of each region. Color/type Red/medium body/dry variety Verdicchio 100% capacity 750ml...
Umani Ronchi Montipagano Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 750ml Red Organic [Produced in Abruzzo]
Umani Ronchi's estate, located on the east coast of central Italy and blessed with natural beauty, produces all the major wines of the Marche region, as well as several wines...
Umani Ronchi/ Pescevino Rosso 750ml Red Wine
UMANI RONCHI UMANI RONCHI Umani Ronchi's estate, located on the east coast of central Italy and blessed with natural beauty, produces all the major wines of the Marche region, as...
Umani Ronchi Podere Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 750ml, red [Produced in Abruzzo]
UMANI RONCHI UMANI RONCHI Umani Ronchi's estate, located on the east coast of central Italy and blessed with natural beauty, produces all the major wines of the Marche region, as...
Umani Ronchi Casal di Sella Vecchie Vigne Verdicchio dei Castelli di Iegi Classico Superiore 750ml White
UMANI RONCHI UMANI RONCHI Umani Ronchi's estate, located on the east coast of central Italy and blessed with natural beauty, produces all the major wines of the Marche region, as...
Umani Ronchi Casal di Sella Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi Classico Superiore 750ml White
UMANI RONCHI UMANI RONCHI Umani Ronchi's estate, located on the east coast of central Italy and blessed with natural beauty, produces all the major wines of the Marche region, as...
White Wine Wine Pescevino Bianco Umani Ronchi 750ml
UMANI RONCHI UMANI RONCHI Umani Ronchi's estate, located on the east coast of central Italy and blessed with natural beauty, produces all the major wines of the Marche region, as...
Umani Ronchi Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi Classico 750ml, white
UMANI RONCHI UMANI RONCHI Umani Ronchi's estate, located on the east coast of central Italy and blessed with natural beauty, produces all the major wines of the Marche region, as...
Moncalo Roccaviva Rosso Piceno Superiore [2018] 750ml, Red
Stable high quality and affordable prices, boasting the most awards at the B.A.V.I. Italian Wine Competition. Moncalo is a cooperative in central Italy, in the Marche region facing the Adriatic...
Moncalo Verde Calpute Verdicchio Superiore [2021] 750ml/White
Stable high quality and affordable prices, boasting the most awards at the B.A.V.I. Italian Wine Competition. Moncalo is a cooperative in central Italy, in the Marche region facing the Adriatic...
Moncalo Marche Rosso Organic [2021] 750ml/Red
Stable high quality and affordable prices, boasting the most awards at the B.A.V.I. Italian Wine Competition. Moncalo is a cooperative in central Italy, in the Marche region facing the Adriatic...
Andrea Felice Verdicchio Classico Riserva [2015] 750ml, white
A promising producer who only produces excellent Verdicchio. Andrea Felice is a winery based in Apiro, Marche, and a producer who started producing their own wine in 2003. After establishing...
Andrea Felice Verdicchio Classico Superiore (SC) [2022] 750ml/White
A promising producer who only produces excellent Verdicchio. Andrea Felice is a winery based in Apiro, Marche, and a producer who started producing their own wine in 2003. After establishing...