Lunae Ecchichetta Grigia Colli di Luna Vermentino 750ml, white
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Producing wines that reflect the region and winemaking traditions
Lunae is located in La Spezia, Liguria, and has wineries and fields on the border of Tuscany and Liguria. Based on the idea that wine is a product of nature and humanity, we produce wine that reflects the region and winemaking traditions of the region. President Paolo Bosoni believes that continuous and careful work at every stage from harvest to bottling maintains the quality of the grapes grown in the fields, and respects the power of the land and research. We make wine with passion and reason.
Lunae's fields were originally opened by Mr. Oriente Bosoni, the grandfather of the current president, Mr. Paolo Bosoni, who cultivated olives and vegetables. Paolo opened a winery there in 1966, and the history of Lunae began. However, that doesn't mean they wanted to share their wine with the world from the beginning. We want the people who live in the land to drink our wine in the land where they live. With this belief in mind, we began making wine. Therefore, all 45 employees who still work at their winery were born and raised on their land.
Origin of winery name
The name Lunae comes from the Latin word "Lunae" (moon). In ancient Roman times, there was a town near La Spezia called Luna (moon in Italian), which was given this name because the shape of the town along the bay resembled the moon. Luna also flourished as a port town. Because Luna is close to the town of Carrara in Tuscany mentioned earlier, the buildings are made of marble, and at night, the moonlight reflects off the marble and appears to shine, making it a beautiful town. However, when invaders from the north moved south at that time, Luna's splendor and beauty made them mistake it for Rome, and it was plundered and destroyed. It is said that Luna has been producing high-quality white wine since then, and it was even delivered to Rome. Mr. Paolo remembered the legendary ``Town of the Moon'' in the area where he was born, and because it was also a town that produced high-quality wine, he named his winery ``Lunae = Luna.'' It means that you added .
Winemaking in Liguria
Grapes in Liguria are grown in three different environments: the coast, the plains and the hills. The soil is also highly variable, and it is not uncommon for a single vineyard to have a mixture of clay and sand. The main vineyard area in Liguria is 14,500 ha. The fields of Liguria are dotted with small fields, which the locals affectionately call ``Fazzoletto'' (handkerchief). The white grapes grown here are Vermentino, Trebbiano, Bosco, and Albarola, and the black grapes are Sangiovese, Ciliegiolo, and Rossese.
There are eight types of wine certified by DOC. Sciacquetola, a sweet white wine produced in Cinque Terre, is probably well-known in Japan. Shacketola is made by partially drying grapes in the shade. Production must take place after November 1st of the harvest year, and the alcohol content must be at least 17°C.
Lunae is close to La Spezia and also has fields on the border with Tuscany. This is the production area of Colli di Luni DOC. This area is sandwiched between the sea and mountains, and nights can get cold even in the summer. Therefore, this difference in temperature produces white wines with plenty of aroma and freshness.
Pale golden yellow. A rich and elegant bouquet. A fresh and harmonious taste reminiscent of flowers and fresh fruit. The aftertaste has a balanced minerality.
Color/type | White/slightly dry |
variety | vermentino |
capacity | 750ml |
Production area | Italy Liguria |
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