
This is the page for Italian wines.

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4 Products Found
Michele Satta Syrah [2018] 750ml Red Wine

Michele Satta Syrah [2018] 750ml Red Wine

シラー100%で、ローヌの偉大なワインを参考しながらもボルゲリの個性を最大限に表現しようとした一本 色・タイプ 赤/ミディアムボディ/辛口 品種 シラー100% 容量 750ml 産地 イタリア トスカーナ州/IGTトスカーナ こちらの商品はお取り寄せ商品になります。 発送まで2日〜5日お時間が掛かります。 発送予定日は予告なく変更される場合がございます。
Michele Satta Costa di Giulia [2021] 750ml, white

Michele Satta Costa di Giulia [2021] 750ml, white

Artigiano has been facing the terroir for 30 years in the famous brewery Bolgheri. A popular producer located in Castagneto Carducci, the southernmost village of Bolgheri DOC, and highly acclaimed...
Michele Satta Bolgheri Rosso [2021] 750ml/Red

Michele Satta Bolgheri Rosso [2021] 750ml/Red

Artigiano has been facing the terroir for 30 years in the famous brewery Bolgheri. A popular producer located in Castagneto Carducci, the southernmost village of Bolgheri DOC, and highly acclaimed...
Michele Satta Cavaliere [2018] 750ml, red

Michele Satta Cavaliere [2018] 750ml, red

Artigiano has been facing the terroir for 30 years in the famous brewery Bolgheri. A popular producer located in Castagneto Carducci, the southernmost village of Bolgheri DOC, and highly acclaimed...